HPGe Detector
The World’s Most Compact and Lightweight HPGe Gamma Ray Detector
At 8 lbs, the Fulcrum is the most user-friendly and field-deployable HPGe detector on the market. The onboard PHDS OMNI software application provides an intuitive interface for state-of-the-art isotope identification and real-time exposure rate calculation. The Fulcrum is designed for users of all levels, providing the gold-standard in isotope identification in an easy to use package.
Easy-to-Use Touch Application
The Fulcrum OMNI software is designed to provide fast, reliable isotope identification in an intuitive interface. Simply click the Play button and the onboard algorithms automatically detect and identify any isotopes in the surrounding environment. Color-coded isotope ID badges provide threat characterization at a glance, allowing Fulcrum operators to quickly assess the radiological situation.
HPGe gamma-ray spectroscopy and isotope identification | Ultra fast cool-down to operating temperature (2 hours) | Compact and hand-portable (8 lbs) |
Most compact and lightweight HPGe detector on the market | Relative efficiency: 12% (at 1333 keV) | Real-time exposure rate calculation |
User-friendly Android app | Reachback File: ANSI N42.42 format | Long-life mechanical cooler |
Bridge battery option for continuous field operation | Wireless capable for remote operation | User-specified timed data acquisition and auto file save |
- Safe Standoff Detection, Identification, and Assay
- Nuclear Safeguards and Security
- Nuclear Materials Management
- Waste Management
- Environmental Monitoring
- Decontamination and Decommissioning
Product FAQs
The Fulcrum measures 8.0″ x 5.0″ x 6.0″ (20 cm x 13 cm x 15 cm), making it the smallest mechanically cooled HPGe detector system available.
At 8 lbs, the Fulcrum is the most lightweight and compact HPGe detector system available.
The Fulcrum was designed for fast cool-down. The Fulcrum will cool from room temperature to operating temperature in about 2 hours.
The Fulcrum internal battery will power the system for about 5 hours. Using an externally connected bridge battery, the Fulcrum can run continuously away from line power as long as fresh/recharged batteries are available. The Fulcrum can also operate for ~15 hours using an externally connected BB2590 (mil-spec) battery.
For more information about the Fulcrum capability, applications, and pricing, please contact us at sales@phdsco.com or use the Contact Us link.
8:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time
3011 Amherst Road
Knoxville, TN 37921
8:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time
3011 Amherst Road
Knoxville, TN 37921